I’m done with my work. So what?

So much of my time is trying to get work done. Sometimes, I almost think I got it done, and then I realize, "so what?" I’ve been trying to get to the place so much, sometimes working so hard … and then when I get close, what is it I get now? Is anything fundamentally really different? Then, I get more work, and I forget my questioning … because, I’m busy trying to get work done.

Maybe I need to put work aside long enough to consider these questions sometimes. If I don’t, I may never. Because normally, there’s too much work to get done.

Trying To Learn What I Don’t Know Yet

What is going on? I’m trying to learn, but I don’t know yet what I’m trying to learn or where I’m headed. It’s like going into the unknown.

Clues … The physical aspects of life are challenging, but something I somewhat have a handle on at this time, but something I’ll eventually loose the handle of. What then?

I’ve gained comfort and spiritual strength during a time of distress by considering the suffering of Jesus.

I think truth is very significant, and telling the truth in public is energizing and powerful. It’s putting faith in God, I think.

Connecting with people in honest conversation seems significant to me.

And here I am … where am I going?

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preparing for death … why?

I’m starting a book called, "In Case You Get Hit By A Bus …". It’s about preparing for death. One question that’s asked is "why?". Or, what’s important to me, which may relate to why it’s important to me to prepare.

I’ve been impressed recently with the idea of thinking multi-generationally. My life is short, but our family and community’s multi-generational life can be much longer and have much more impact on more people in this world. I want to invest in that.

Preparing for my death can make that go better for my family and enable them to continue on afterwards stronger. I don’t want my affairs to be in a mess that leaves my family hit and tired with trying to figure it all out. I want to care for them now in a way that will impact them then.

So … I hope I do a good job at this. And beside just my affairs, I’d like to encourage them for their roads ahead. I hope the bus that’s coming for me is a long way off, but whether it is or whether it’s closer than that, I want to be prepared.

Another Evening, Doing Well

Things seem okay …

Life is hard, but, okay right now. Thank you, God.

I’ve enjoyed helping Jonny fix his truck a couple of times lately. There’s a full social involvement type of thing in my life right now. I’m glad for that.

Like a warm, Summer day
I’m sitting in an atmosphere
And it’s okay for me to be here
I’ll lay down my head in it

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Evening Thoughts

My life right now … full, intense in some ways, unsure, satisfying, desire.

Debate. It get’s people in an intense, competitive, stance. I’m not that interested in debate, but I feel like an attempt is being made to drag me into it. I feel pretty intense about it, but I’m trying to make truth and love my way of handling the situation.

I feel good after a sauna, workout, etc. Kinda sapped too.

I have a good bit of people interaction, relationships, etc. It’s good, but it’s a bit challenging too; handling it well.

I think I’ve grown in truth, but I want to grow more. It seems significant. I want to grow in love. And again … I need to be honest. So many times, it’s the answer. The way to move forward.

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